Moriah & The Circle = Illuminati
(too old to reply)
2008-02-18 22:36:42 UTC
Was anyone aware that the Illuminati are also known as The Circle,
Moriah, or Moriah-conquering-wind?

- The original title of "Lost" was "The Circle."
- Moriah Vineyards is the brand of wine made at the monastery where
Desmond was a monk.
- The Illuminati is a secret brotherhood (see also Freemasonry).

Oh, brother!
2008-02-18 22:59:06 UTC
Post by tdciago
Was anyone aware that the Illuminati are also known as The Circle,
Moriah, or Moriah-conquering-wind?
- The original title of "Lost" was "The Circle."
- Moriah Vineyards is the brand of wine made at the monastery where
Desmond was a monk.
- The Illuminati is a secret brotherhood (see also Freemasonry).
Oh, brother!

The link to Lindelof's comments, at perezhilton.com doesnt work anymore,
but I found the same article at Brad Meltzer's Blog:

From September 06, 2006

Lindelof: You have a time machine. You can go back to ANY time in your own
life and tell yourself to do something differently. You may NOT place any
bets or give stock tips. To what point in your life do you travel and what
do you tell yourself? Paradoxes are welcomed.

Lindelof: Earth has been ravaged by a hundred year war as humanity is
forced below the earth, cowering in underground caverns until a victor is
declared between the two mighty combatants. Robots vs. Zombies. Who wins
that war?

And to find out which celebrities are actually Freemasons, click here.
2008-02-19 15:32:26 UTC
And to find out which celebrities are actually Freemasons, click here.http://www.hachettebookgroupusa.com/features/mason/guess_whos_a_mason...
Wow, this has generated even less discussion than it did *two years
ago* when I first proposed an Illuminati / Freemason link to the

It was Desmond's use of the word "brother" that got me started looking
for Masonic clues. And that's how I stumbled across the Sirius
information. Now, as Frank Duckett implied, it has come back

Back in March of 2006, Melroseman (boy, do I miss his contributions)
was kind enough to post a screencap of Desmond when he met Jack in the
stadium. The logo on the shirt is possibly a Scottish Rite symbol,
and it's surrounded by a pentagon. The number 5 is very important to
the Illuminati.

So who is implicated?

Brother Campbell and Ms. Hawking, definitely. And probably Charles
Widmore, who bought cases of Moriah Vineyards wine. DHARMA, with its
spokesman Candle/Wickmund/Halowax, which implies illumination, is also
probably connected to the Illuminati. Remember that replacements were
supposed to show up at the Swan in 540 days. That's 5 x 108, or the
interior angles of a regular pentagon. Kelvin worked for the DIA,
which is headquartered in the Pentagon. The Bavarian Illuminati
sprang out of the Enlightenment; so we have all these philosophers'
names used on the show. The freemasons say they go back to the
building of Solomon's Temple, which Mr. Eko talked about. And that
brings us back to the Dome of the Rock again, with the Foundation
Stone and the Well of Souls.

Now we've got this list of people that Ben is having killed off.
Avellino insists on using the five iron, while Sayid says, "I think
I'll stick with the seven." I guess we know who the seven are
(Oceanic 6 + Ben), while the five are the Illuminati. And Avellino
was the town where Tony Soprano's ancestor, a *stonemason*, hailed

"Sufi historian Indries Shah traces the name of the Illuminati back to
a verse in the Koran which mentions a shining star, and Crowley's
alternative name for the Illuminati was the Order of the Silver Star
(Argentum Astrum)."
- Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger

We already know what the shining star is.
2008-02-19 15:47:12 UTC
Post by tdciago
Post by thinbluemime
And to find out which celebrities are actually Freemasons, click
Wow, this has generated even less discussion than it did *two years
ago* when I first proposed an Illuminati / Freemason link to the
LOL, either we have a lot of Lost newbies, or Lost fan long term memory

Either way, Thanks for the reminder tdciago :)
2008-02-19 16:19:04 UTC
Post by tdciago
Wow, this has generated even less discussion
than it did *two years ago* when I first
proposed an Illuminati / Freemason link to the
.That's because there is no Masonic link to the story.
Post by tdciago
It was Desmond's use of the word "brother"
that got me started looking for Masonic clues.
.He was a Monk, for Christ sake. ...Or maybe you should implicate the
Jehovah Witness' into your theories;-)
Post by tdciago
The freemasons say they go back to the
building of Solomon's Temple
No Freemason can say that, because no one knows exactly where and when
it started. The consensus amongst many, is that the Fraternity dates
back to the operative Masons of the Middle ages, who built the ancient
Cathedrals around Europe. ...The Solomon Temple story dates from the
Knights Templars, who perhaps may have joined the Masonic union to go
underground during the massive roundup by Pope Clement V.

AAR.. There have been no Masonic symbols depicted, as of yet, in this
series. In fact... I'll even let you know if I see one. ...Jon
2008-02-19 16:02:04 UTC
Post by thinbluemime
Lindelof: You have a time machine. You can
go back to ANY time in your own
life and tell yourself to do something
differently. You may NOT place any bets or
give stock tips. To what point in your life do
you travel and what do you tell yourself?
Paradoxes are welcomed.
Wow... I've never seen this article before... But it sure fits in with
the theory I've been pushing with regards to Desmond's travel(s).
Post by thinbluemime
And to find out which celebrities are actually
Freemasons, click here.
Post by thinbluemime
I am a Past Master, a member of the York Rite of Freemasons, and a
Shriner. ...Trust me, I have not seen a single thing yet in this series
that would tie the Freemasons in with the story. ...And believe me, I
have been watching for it. ...Jon